Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Piper Jean Arnst

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We went to our ultra sound appointment and this time seemed totally different to me just because we knew we were going to find out boy/girl and so I was watching intently as opposed to having the screen turned from me during moments of Kade's ultrasound. As much as they can predict, she said we were having a girl! She is weighing in at 11 oz and apparently everything looks good. I didn't have feeling one way or another with Kade, but I have just been saying girl so far with this one... of course... there is always that chance that it is wrong! We will get a bit prepared, but it is nice to have gender neutral for the first little bit. I'm sure that when she gets here I'll want nothing to do with the bland neutrals! :) The room will only need a little sprucing up since it is tan/green with stripe/animal sheets. I'll get some flowers and butterflies on the walls and add some fun curtains.
I don't feel very far along. She has been pretty calm so far and so I am grateful as I have one more class to take before she comes and will still be working. The holidays have made this time go really fast. I'm sure that it helps that we have a very busy 2 yr old to keep me moving. Oh the days before children... what did we do!?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Newer News!

I am now at 12 weeks and although still sick, I don't feel nearly as bad as before. Still have yet to see the Dr. since waiting for 1, 1/2 hrs and then having to leave. School is still keeping me busy, but I think some of the initial chaos is over.
Kaden had a low grade temp last night and today and so I started to wonder and tonight as I was brushing his teeth I checked and sure enough top back two molars are coming in! Soon all of his teeth will be in and we can be done with this stage! On to other growing pains!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

new news

Well, school is going well. I am very surprised at how busy I can be. The high school keeps me busy keeping up with grades and helping teachers make accommodations. The elementary keeps me busy from classroom to classroom. It has been very nice to have a major distraction from being sick constantly though! :) We found out that we are expecting back the first week of school and with anxiety from the new job and planning a new baby just started to overwhelm me. But school is now a welcome distraction from being nauseous.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

high school revisited...

Today was my first day with the students at my old high school. I am going to be setting up a program for those students who have special needs, whether the student already has an IEP or 504, or just needs help. Today I was walking through the halls and as classes were changing and felt just like back in the day. Being short and more than 3/4th of the students towering over me reminds me of why I went into elementary ed. :)
Taking this job has really deepened my dependance on God and I have taken Phil. 4:13 as a theme verse for this experience. When I say it though, it seems fitting to think it out as "God can do all things through me because He gives me strength."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gluten and Dairy free Elmo!

For Kade's party I made a gluten and dairy free cake. The gluten was for my niece and sister-in-law and dairy free for Kade.
In the process of the party Kade opened his present from us and wasn't really sure about the Elmo. He still doesn't want to touch it!

Elmo says " I looked up, up, way up!" So Kade did...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


It was so nice to get away for a quick weekend. We spent time hiking northern MI,

swimming, playing at the beach,
and just relaxing...
and cuddling with Grandpa!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July part 2

Kade has really taken an interest in cleaning... gets that from his dad. :) Before his nap the other day I told him we needed to "clean up" and put the toys away. We sang songs while cleaning and then it was time for nap... well Kade was not ready. He wanted the vacuum out and wanted to vacuum before nap. When I told him no he about melted down. I took the vacuum out of the closet and told him after nap we would vacuum. That was good enough for him. Sure enough when I got him up he was trying to see if the vacuum was still there and he helped me clean and then wanted "I do it" :) Let's just hope that this lasts!Also Kade thinks that he can swim... We were at Jaron's Aunt and Uncle over the fourth and he wanted me out of the way. He would just jump into the water! I let him go just far enough that he would learn he was not a fish, but that didn't stop him. He would get out of the pool and go around and try to get in from the side! We bought floaties the next time we went to a pool and he still was pushing me away, but at least he was staying above water this time!

I have started a garden this year... first ever and I have one sugar pea and one sunflower so far! The squirrels are getting into my deck boxes and so my basil is paying dearly.
Head and tail hanging out...
This one fell over shortly after I took this picture... not sure if he was still in it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Since I have only posted once every so often the title is just plain and simple. Well, so far this summer things have been pretty quiet. I have helped out at Kindred Spirit a couple of days and worked my first "shift" in well over two years... things went well. Last night we were able to spend some time with extended Montague family and some cousins from Idaho. It was so great to catch up! Then Kaden's allergies just exploded! So now we have to figure out what outdoor allergy he has! He was sneezing out of control and his skin looked like he was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes. When we stripped him down and got him into a bath his skin was fire red. :( Poor kid. As soon as the benadryl kicked in and the itching subsided he was okay to play, just looked bad. This morning- no signs! He just likes to keep us on our toes!

I have been having fun playing with vinyl lettering and sewing and quilting. I need to spend some time organizing everything, but still having fun experimenting. I've made some cute pillowcases and "dolled" up some overalls and skirts (not for Kade).

Jaron is almost a year at his job at the prison. Longer if Standish prison stays open. We shall wait and see.

Kade will be 2 on Aug 1! Can't believe it! Love all of his quirky ways... okay he learns them from us, but it has been such a blessing to watch him grow. We are looking forward to all of the new experiences this year will bring.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

not much

Well after not being able to post for a while, I got out of the habit... so now I am trying to remember to sign on and post...

Kade is just curious about everything. He points to everything wanting to know what it is. Today he learned window. We were in the car on the way to Church and we put the windows down since it was so nice out. Now he points to all of the windows in the car and says window. He has been working on using silverware. Actually doing well.

I started working as a title 1 tutor at Carman-Ainsworth. The schedule was the best part of taking the position. Jaron and I still pass like ships, but we have our time and protect it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Let's see what has been happening...

For the last four months I have been long term subbing for a K-1 Mildly cognitive impaired classroom. I view each long term job as a learning experience. I am glad that I am done so I can spend more time with my family. Jaron's schedule has taken some time to adjust to.

My Mom, Shaunda and I went on a girls get away cruise at the beginning of Feb. It was great to hear people like Candace Cameron, Karen Kingsbury, Shannon Etheridge and so many more... plus great music like Big Daddy Weave, Phil Joel, Carried Away, Shane and Shane, and more!

It'll take me some time to update pictures and fill in the last few months. Thanks for checking back in!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I felt compelled to keep checking my blog on my computer... just in case! And after many months it just opened up and let me sign in!!! I will work to update all of my pictures and events soon! I did open another blog page, but I think that if this keeps working then I will stay here!!! Yeah! So to all of you faithful who also kept checking to see... We are back in business!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

new blog page

For those who still actually check to see if I have updated my blog ever, I am starting again with the actual page is Please follow me there! Sorry for the inconvenience...of having to type in a new address!


See you there!