Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Piper Jean Arnst

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We went to our ultra sound appointment and this time seemed totally different to me just because we knew we were going to find out boy/girl and so I was watching intently as opposed to having the screen turned from me during moments of Kade's ultrasound. As much as they can predict, she said we were having a girl! She is weighing in at 11 oz and apparently everything looks good. I didn't have feeling one way or another with Kade, but I have just been saying girl so far with this one... of course... there is always that chance that it is wrong! We will get a bit prepared, but it is nice to have gender neutral for the first little bit. I'm sure that when she gets here I'll want nothing to do with the bland neutrals! :) The room will only need a little sprucing up since it is tan/green with stripe/animal sheets. I'll get some flowers and butterflies on the walls and add some fun curtains.
I don't feel very far along. She has been pretty calm so far and so I am grateful as I have one more class to take before she comes and will still be working. The holidays have made this time go really fast. I'm sure that it helps that we have a very busy 2 yr old to keep me moving. Oh the days before children... what did we do!?