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Piper Jean Arnst

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 9, 2007


Monthly checkups and all still seems well. Still dealing with the occasional bout of morning sickness, very tired. Haven't spent much time figuring out what we will be doing yet. Thanks to Dave Ramsey we have no debt (other than our house) and more than 5 months saved in our "emergency account". I have the possibility of going back to what I was doing before we were here... or could go back to school to get my special education certification. I don't know. Even as we look at creating our timeframe for leaving, there are many things that I could do part time here, plus bring the baby with me. Not much else happening.

Friday, February 2, 2007

New Phases in life

It is amazing to stop and think about all that is actually going on right now. The first change in life most are already aware of and not one we can hide. I still think that I have no idea how much a baby is going to change our lives, yet for the better. We haven't even ever gotten a dog due to how much work that would take for us. Want one, just didn't feel that we could take the time to properly train and spend with it.
The biggest change is that we are leaving Kindred Spirit. After all of the times that we kept saying that this really wasn't for us and the countless times we talked about our resignation, we are actually going to be leaving. Although the final decision wasn't solely from us, I am amazed at how much I have been affected by this plan. Of course changing the stability in life right when we are expecting does bring... oh what's the word? a bit of fright? :) I believe that the plan is to phase out slowly and this will tale us through to the summer. Plus, earlier this year I had already sought out some possibilities for the mean time. Our house is still waiting and we are excited about that freedom and space once again.
Change has never been easy, but for all that we have done here and still don't see this position as described, we are not meant to continue. With just as much apprehension as excitement... we shall see all that God has for us in the future.