so Kaden has really been ready to be out of his crib for a while now, but I really didn't want to move him until we knew we were expecting... which we have obviously known for a while now. So Jaron has been working on painting and we finally finished putting his room somewhat together so we can start on the nursery. We told him that all of his pacifiers had to stay in the crib for his new sister, Piper. The first night he really acted unsure, but he has stayed in a big bed before with no problem, it's just that he had a paci at the time. He settled in and did fine. Nap time the next day we weren't so lucky. Thankfully Jaron was home, and after multiple times of sending him back to bed, Kade finally took a blanket and lay down on the floor and was asleep. Night time again was not bad, but he is so quiet in the morning that Jaron didn't hear him get up. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to nap time, but I went in to give him a tissue and he wanted to sleep on the floor again, so I covered him up and he has been out without a peep! Forget the new bed and blankets... Love the floor! :)
So on to the nursery! Over Christmas break we had the opportunity to buy 0-24 months of clothes from a friend who has a little girl almost 3. I know little girls are more involved, but I could probably dress her in a different outfit everyday and never wear the same thing twice! We have been so blessed! The 3 year olds birthday is April 28th and Piper is due April 27th, so as far as seasons, we should match up... Unless she is another little pip-squeak like her brother who is still wearing some 18 month. I would much rather do it this way and have everything already! I just keep forgetting when I see really cute outfits in the store. (Jaron is quick to remind me though!) So her closet is already full and we are still loading the dresser and have about 7 more large totes that we are all of the sudden at a loss of where to store!!! Again, a good problem to have, but I'm not sure Jaron sees it the same way!
She is starting to make her presence known by tumbling a bit. Once Kade started, he never stopped! I have been so extremely thankful that I haven't been sick as long or had heartburn as bad! She is redeeming by thoughts about pregnancy... Don't love it, but not so bad as before!
I'll get some pictures of the new rooms soon. Jaron is thinking about painting the nursery, so we shall see what even comes of that. Still have a while!
So while Kaden is sleeping on the floor and the snow is quietly falling.... I'm going to nap!
Oh yes, my next class starts up next Wednesday and that should take me up to about a week before I am due. I get these naps in where ever possible! later all!
there are sooo cute!!!!!!i wish they be alawys happy!
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