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Piper Jean Arnst

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kade and Piper

my little lion... playing hide and seek.She loves the mirror on her swing!

so alert!

Kaden really just adores his new sister. He is always wanting to touch her and kiss her! It is so sweet to hear him say she is beautiful and she is a princess! She is lucky to have such a doting big brother who I am sure will be her protector as they grow bigger! Just wanted to post some new pictures!

Kaden's quips:

Lately Kaden has been making all kinds of funny "misspeaks." Here are a few that I can remember. I will update this post as I can remember more... (oh to only write things down as they happen)

~ Mommy, I need sunshine cream so I can go outside to play bounceketball!

~Kade calls Piper by her first and middle names and we were explaining that "Jean" was her middle name like "McAlister" was his. So I asked him: "Kaden what is your last name?" to which he responded "come here!" Kaden McAlister Come Here! since then he has introduced himself as "my full name is Kaden McAlister Come Here Now!"

~There was a basket of things on the counter and he reached to pull it down. Afraid that it was to heavy for him and it would fall on him, I told him I could help him. He said I got it mommy. I can use my muscles. I am strong, like Jesus! (I am pretty sure that this is from the song Jesus loves me, "I am weak but He is strong")

~We went to Olive Garden for lunch and Kaden was looking at the kids menu which had the characters on the cover. Bene the breadstick, Ollie the Olive, Gina the grape etc... Kade liked the breadsticks (Butter free) and after I tore it into pieces to cool, he put it back into order. This is his head, this it his belly... But he also wouldn't say "breadstick", he would say (in his best italian voice) this is bread the stick!

~ah yes... I did forget! (not a big surprise!) Kade says that Piper is "swallowed" up when we get her ready for bed... we better understand it as "swaddled".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Piper Jean Arnst

Four generations of Montague women.

Just leaving the hospital.

I have been slow at posting anything on the blog lately... with good reason, but I had good intentions too! Friday, April 30, 2010, we welcomed Piper Jean into this world at 7:52 am. She weighed 7lbs 11oz, and was 20 1/2 inches long. We stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. We were going to leave much earlier, but we were waiting for the pediatrician to sign off. We have been busy getting use to the new schedule again, but am loving it the second time around! I think that I am paying better attention to some of the little things this time, maybe because although new, I am more comfortable with handling her. It has also been a blessing to have Kade staying at Nana and Papa's house until we could get settled in and set a bit of routine in place before trying to balance everything at once. Well time is up for now... I'll do my best to keep up a bit more.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I (ewww....bad pun! not intended!) labored over the decisions of delivering our second child. Ever since I was told that Kade was going to be delivered cesarean, I wondered why my body wouldn't work the way God intended it to. What did I do wrong and what more should I have done. Working through my master's degree in special education at the time of both of my children has always brought my prenatal care to a elevated level of awareness. Many times to a point I wasn't trusting God the way I knew I should be... FEAR. After Kade's birth, I was aware that our next child could be delivered VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I switched to a dr. that actually was willing to attempt a VBAC as many dr's are against even trying and we started our monthly and weekly visits. Another friend successfully delivered VBAC and so I was sure that I too could do this. Unfortunately, the dr was telling me on repeated visits that she didn't see this as a great possibility. I shrugged her off thinking she didn't know me and my determinedness! She wasn't there for the birth of my first child and I'm sure that given the chance, Kade didn't have to be cesarean either, I just didn't know better at that time. I started to arm myself with information and was sure that the statistics really pointed in my favor and that it was mind over matter and I was so positive that I could do this.
I was even outraged at my 39 week checkup when my dr told me that she wanted to schedule me to come in for my cesarean. I thought that we were going to give it a try! 39 weeks is not a try! After my outrage died down the flood of emotions washed over me with tears. I was so sure that I could do this! What? Why? No! We would wait it out as long as we could. We just have to give it time... right? At 40 weeks I was scheduled. The dr said it was because of scheduling that we had to go ahead and so at the end of the week I was to have our second child by cesarean. But it could still happen right? I could still go into labor and everything would be fine?
I didn't feel this was right. I just needed more time! After talking with another friend, I was all ready to call my dr and cancel the scheduled surgury. I didn't need surgury I was having a baby. I talked with my mom who I know would advocate for a mother who trusts her instincts! I was after all a mother who was well informed and was sure of herself. But if I was so sure what was holding me back? Why hadn't I been able to resist scheduling or asked more questions or done more? Now I don't know which way is up. I'm even more of an emotional train wreck because I just keep hearing that I am the only one who really knows and can make this decision. I found a dr that would give me the best possibility for a vbac, and upon recommendations of many friends that also have seen her or do continue to see her, I have put myself in the care of a dr that now says it is time. I don't get any medals for putting up a fight and I don't win any awards for trying me best to do it the way others do. I am trusting that God is in control of our family and no matter what happens, He knows the outcomes of every decision. As much as I am still releasing my grip on what I wanted, I am reaching out to regrip my Father's hands as HE holds me tightly in the center of His hands. While still praying for that miracle that could happen at any time, I am now refocused on resting in His will for our lives.

To God be the glory....

Friday, March 12, 2010

did it again...

Kade did it again, yet this time he took his clothes off and actually was twirling as he stated that he was a princess! :) oh boy!

Kaden has really been begging for puzzles so I found some and he loves putting them together! He really does a good job.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well I know that it has been a while, we have been busy, but I thought while I have been laying in bed for several days now with a hacking cough and wheezing breathing that I would get something new on the page... A funny thing: Kaden picked up one of my tank tops the other day and put it on. He then proceeded to say, "Look Mommy, I'm a princess!" I expected some of that after we have our little girl, but for him to come up with it on his own.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New room for Kade...

so Kaden has really been ready to be out of his crib for a while now, but I really didn't want to move him until we knew we were expecting... which we have obviously known for a while now. So Jaron has been working on painting and we finally finished putting his room somewhat together so we can start on the nursery. We told him that all of his pacifiers had to stay in the crib for his new sister, Piper. The first night he really acted unsure, but he has stayed in a big bed before with no problem, it's just that he had a paci at the time. He settled in and did fine. Nap time the next day we weren't so lucky. Thankfully Jaron was home, and after multiple times of sending him back to bed, Kade finally took a blanket and lay down on the floor and was asleep. Night time again was not bad, but he is so quiet in the morning that Jaron didn't hear him get up. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to nap time, but I went in to give him a tissue and he wanted to sleep on the floor again, so I covered him up and he has been out without a peep! Forget the new bed and blankets... Love the floor! :)

So on to the nursery! Over Christmas break we had the opportunity to buy 0-24 months of clothes from a friend who has a little girl almost 3. I know little girls are more involved, but I could probably dress her in a different outfit everyday and never wear the same thing twice! We have been so blessed! The 3 year olds birthday is April 28th and Piper is due April 27th, so as far as seasons, we should match up... Unless she is another little pip-squeak like her brother who is still wearing some 18 month. I would much rather do it this way and have everything already! I just keep forgetting when I see really cute outfits in the store. (Jaron is quick to remind me though!) So her closet is already full and we are still loading the dresser and have about 7 more large totes that we are all of the sudden at a loss of where to store!!! Again, a good problem to have, but I'm not sure Jaron sees it the same way!

She is starting to make her presence known by tumbling a bit. Once Kade started, he never stopped! I have been so extremely thankful that I haven't been sick as long or had heartburn as bad! She is redeeming by thoughts about pregnancy... Don't love it, but not so bad as before!
I'll get some pictures of the new rooms soon. Jaron is thinking about painting the nursery, so we shall see what even comes of that. Still have a while!

So while Kaden is sleeping on the floor and the snow is quietly falling.... I'm going to nap!
Oh yes, my next class starts up next Wednesday and that should take me up to about a week before I am due. I get these naps in where ever possible! later all!